Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process. Author guidelines JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN NURSING, MIDWIFERY AND HEALTH SCIENCES The Journal of Research in Nursing, Midwifery and Health Sciences (JRNMHS) is a peer reviewed Journal housed in the School of Nursing Sciences at the University of Zambia. The Journal publishes original articles on contemporary issues that focus on the interface of nursing, midwifery and health sciences. While empirical studies are particularly encouraged, relevant concept papers are also welcome. All manuscripts are subjected to double blind peer review by subject experts. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 1. Manuscripts Manuscripts submitted to the JRNMHS must be original from author(s) research work and must never have been submitted and accepted for publication in any other journal. Type the text justified. 2. Language All manuscripts must be written in English. Spelling should either be in US or British grammar, but not a mixture. 3. Paper Size and Line Spacing Manuscripts should be 1.5 spaced, in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman, Font size 12. 4. Page Numbers All pages of the manuscript should be numbered at the bottom of each page. 5. Article or Paper Submission All manuscripts should be submitted online as e-mail attachments (in Microsoft Word) to the following address: 6. Tables, Maps and Figures i) Tables, maps and figures must be numbered, set to fit into the page. ii) Texts should be written below and not above the corresponding Table, Map or Figure. iii) All Tables, Maps and Figures should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. iv) The number of Tables, Figures or Maps should not exceed five. v) Table heading should appear above the Table. 7. Photographs These should be of good quality and marked accordingly. 8. Equations Equations should be treated as illustrations and if big they can be placed on a separate page. 9. Length of Manuscript or Paper Manuscripts should not exceed 4000 words, although this can be exceeded in special cases when agreed in advance with the Chief Editor 10. Abbreviations i) Abbreviations are acceptable as long as they are defined at first mention. ii) System International (SI) units should be used. iii) Standard nomenclature for chemical formulae should be used. The full name of the chemical should be written on first mention, and then the accepted abbreviation can be used. 11. Text subheadings Manuscripts should have subheadings that represent hierarchical levels of sections. 12. Reference Use the Harvard referencing system. i) If there are two authors, use ‘and’. The ampersand (&) should not be used. ii) When reference is made to work done by three or more authors, use the surname of the first author followed by ‘et al.’ If general insert a, b, c, etc after the year of publication, e.g. Moore, 1986a; 1990b, etc. iii) References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript in the following manner: - In Journal – Author (s); Year; Title of article; Journal name (in italics); Volume; Issue/Number; First and last page numbers, e.g. Perry, P. (2018): Impact of Zimone on infected pregnant mothers in Kalomo. Journal of Nursing, 5(2): 15-16. - Chapter in a Book – Author (s); Year; Title of the Chapter; In; Names of the editors of the Book beginning with their initials; eds.; Title of the Book (in italics); First and last page numbers; Town where book was published; Publishing company, e.g. Mwami, D. (2017): Impact of the sun on Albinos in Luano valley In P. Nelson and G. Paterson (eds.), Remedy Booklet, 66-89. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13. Publication Fees Publication fees per publication are as follows: - ZMW 2,000 (K2,000) for local students - USD 200 ($200 or K3,600) for non-students - USD 300 ($300) for funded projects After a manuscript has been accepted, an account will be rendered to the corresponding author who will be held responsible for payment. 14. Format of Presentation of Article a. Title page - The title page should carry the names of the authors. Author(s) should be identified by their names (not just initials); beginning with the first name. Institutional affiliation of each author should be stated. The corresponding author should also provide the following: preferred E-mail address, telephone, and contact address. For purposes of confidentiality, author identification should appear only on the Title page. - Capitalise only the first word and proper nouns in the title. b. Abstract All manuscripts should have a brief statement describing the Objective(s), Methods, Findings and Conclusions (not exceeding 250 words). c. Key words Include 3 to 5 key words below the Abstract. d. Body It should be straightforward and as informative as possible. It should be subdivided into the following sections: Introduction/Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (not exceeding 100 words), Appendices (if any), and References. For more details contact the Chief Editor: Prof. Concepta Namukolo Kwaleyela, The University of Zambia, School of Nursing Sciences, P. O. Box 50110, Lusaka. ZAMBIA. Email: Mobile phone Number: +260 977 504783/ +260 967 716991